
Generating income with a blog through affiliate program is an excellent alternative to Google AdSense. You have to know the 7 key factors to benefit from this option.

Google Adsense is the default option for every web admin or blogger who starts to earn money with their website. Few go further because it is comfortable and generates a “safe” income. Leaving the comfort zone is necessary to discover new sources of revenue. It is not good to depend on a single supplier because tomorrow, you may be left without income.

There are different ways to generate income with affiliate marketing that is offered as an option for those who dare to strain new things. One of the critical factors is knowing how to choose the affiliate programs that give the best results. Not all information is available at first glance, and it requires many months of work and experience to know the relevant criteria when choosing the best campaigns.

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Affinity of the Advertiser with your Theme

it is straightforward. If your blog is about learning English or another language, you depend on finding advertisers and affiliate programs that sell just that. The more affinity there is, the more influential the ad is and the more likely you are to generate commissions and income.

Optimal Landing Page Design

The basics of landing page design are no secret; a good advertiser must know them. Ensure that the visits you send to the advertiser fall into an environment that is test and continuously improved. If the usability is not optimal, you cannot generate the income your traffic and website deserve.

Leverage TV Promotional Campaigns

Large advertisers never use a single promotion channel. Online is one of many ways how to generate income. The different actions have an impact online and offline, reinforcing each other. Internet channels will be noticed whenever an advertiser carries out a powerful television campaign and other offline media. Conversion rates on landing pages increase when impactful branding actions are carried out.

Availability of Deep Links to Products

deep links (“deep links”) are a possibility for the affiliate program to direct the user directly to the purchase page of a product. A fundamental concept of usability recommends avoiding clicks and steps whenever possible. The road to the sale is shorten when you avoid sending visitors to the advertiser’s home page. Consequently, the effectiveness and results are better.

Cancellation Rate of Less Than 20%

For someone unfamiliar with the subject, it may be surprising that there are cancellations by advertisers. Getting paid after the initial conversion registration always requires the advertiser’s approval. The main argument for applying them by networks and their customers is the existence of erroneous, duplicate, and returned orders. When cancellation rates of around 70% are seen with some companies in the telecommunications sector, this argument can be called into question. It is instead a massive lack of control and being able to assign commissions to affiliates or different channels online correctly. A haircut is apply so that the return on membership shares remains high.

Reputation of the Advertiser in Forums

The exchange with other web admins and bloggers is key to obtaining data such as the cancellation rate of the different affiliate programs. Forums like are an essential source for all those who want to generate income in this way. Detail information about the quality of support and the operation of programs can be obtain. Users also always give birth to many companies because their expectations have not been met. Contrasting negative and positive opinions with various users is essential to get closer to the truth.

Punctuality in payments – Affiliate Program

Working on affiliate campaigns can easily take 90-150 days between recording a conversion and paying the commission. The “fault” is not so much of the network but of the advertisers who hardly ever paid before. There are indeed new laws to improve this situation, but from my experience with Coguan, it has not improved much. Much of the billing can done through media agencies that represent advertisers. In general, the issue of payments and collections is complicat in Spain. As a start-up, looking back 12 months did us a lot of damage. In other countries, people lose their faces because the payment has been delay a couple of days (within 30 days); in Spain, you have to apologize and be very careful asking for your money when the client already has a 30 -60 delay.

Sales Tracking – Affiliate Program

Most affiliate programs work with 30-day “postclick” sales tracking. It means that one month can pass between the click and the product purchase by the user to receive a commission. The longer the term, the better for the affiliate program. There are also a few “post view” programs. It is a privilege of very few affiliate network collaborators due to the possibilities of cheating that the system offers. In the second case, it is enough that a user has seen the banner without having clicked. The term is usually 48 hours. Sales tracking is explain in detail in a post by Brice Février.

Earning money through affiliate program and networks is not an easy task. It is an exercise in getting critical data, the availability of the right tools, and, most of all, the affiliate experience.

Conclusion – Affiliate Program

The concept of affiliate program is simple. An affiliate (you, the blogger) promotes a company’s products or services using a unique link that identifies your blog as the traffic source. You earn a commission when a reader ticks on your link or purchases the product you’re promoting.

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